Accessibility & Features

Doug Mitchell Thunderbird Sports Centre is pleased to welcome guests of all abilities to our facility. For those patrons with specific needs we are pleased to offer several accessibility features, listed below.


The accessible drop-off area is located at the east entrance of Doug Mitchell Thunderbird Sports Centre on Wesbrook Mall.


Accessible parking is available at the Thunderbird Parkade, and all other parking lots located within a short distance from Doug Mitchell Thunderbird Sports Centre.


There are accessible and companion seats available. Seating locations vary depending on particular events. When purchasing tickets, please indicate if you require accessible seating.

Service Animals

Trained guide dogs or service animals assisting guests with disabilities are permitted inside Doug Mitchell Thunderbird Sports Centre. All other animals are prohibited.


Two elevators are located in the Arena for wheelchair access to all levels. Patrons with disabilities receive preferential access to elevators during all events held at Doug Mitchell Thunderbird Sports Centre.

Emergency Evacuation Program

Designated Doug Mitchell Thunderbird Sports Centre ushers have been trained in proper procedures for emergency preparedness. These designated employees will have primary duty of assisting patrons with disabilities to specific locations.


Telephones are available in the Guest Services area located at the main entrance on Wesbrook Mall. Only local calls are allowed with maximum 5 minutes time limit.

Universal/Accessible Washrooms

There are two universal/accessible washrooms at Thunderbird Arena. They are located on the:

  • South concourse at Section 100
  • North concourse between Sections 116 and 117

In addition to these universal washrooms, accessible stalls are available in washrooms throughout the venue.